10 Best Practices for Anger Management

Do you get angry or irritated when someone cuts you off in traffic? Or maybe you can’t keep your temper when you’re stuck in traffic for a long hour? Do you feel your blood pressure rocket when things do not go the way you want?
Well, keeping your temper in check can be challenging and requires constant work, but it’s important to deal with it in a positive and constructive way. Uncontrolled anger can take a life of its own and cause havoc on your health, life, relationships and family. Here are 10 ways to keep your anger under control:
Counselling is not a sign of weakness or defeat but a brave way to admit that you need help and you’re willing to be a better version of yourself. Counselling can sometimes sound hard or scary but it is just a way to help you get in touch with your emotions. Why do you get angry? Is something bothering you? With the help of experts, you’ll be able to dig deeper within your emotional self and understand your psyche better which can help you make changes accordingly.
Think Before You Speak
Everyone gets angry and anger makes us say things we do not mean sometimes. I’ve experienced it myself where I’ve said some bad stuffs that have really hurt people. Before you say something that you’ll regret, take some time to collect your thoughts and take a deep breath. I usually count to 10 to calm down and cool off. Try it next time you feel the itch to say something bad.
Express Your Anger…Constructively
Holding back your emotions will never help you out. One way to get around this is as mentioned above get counselling or express how you feel…but in a calm and effective way. State your concerns and needs clearly and directly to the person concerned, without hurting others or trying to control them. You need to get your emotions out and communication is the best way to do it.

Holding back your emotions will never help you out. One way to get around this is as mentioned above get counselling or express how you feel…but in a calm and effective way. State your concerns and needs clearly and directly to the person concerned, without hurting others or trying to control them. You need to get your emotions out and communication is the best way to do it.
Find a Passion
Find something that excites and brings joy to your life. A passion is certainly recommended so as you can take some time for yourself and focus on something that you love doing. Whether you’re into drawing, writing, singing, embroidery, go for it and feel happy in your own little bubble where your anger does not get the better of you.
Solutions Instead of Issues
One way to reduce your stress and anger issues is to focus on finding solutions instead of focusing on the issues all the time. Life is not perfect but that does not mean we should give up! Get off the ground and be the soldier that you are. Tired of your work? Can’t handle to be in a relationship anymore? Do not burst out your frustrations which will do no good, instead choose to take constructive actions by finding solutions to the issues in your life.
Allow Yourself To Heal
Forgiveness is a powerful tool. If you let anger and other negative feelings crowd up in your mind, then you’ll only be unhappy and swallowed by a bitter feeling all the time. This sense of injustice will show itself in spikes of anger that manifest against people who care about you. Learn to forgive someone who angered you, not because they deserve it but because you deserve some peace and healing.
Learn To Make Fun of Yourself
Stop taking life too seriously! Learn to take a break and have some fun and that includes making fun of yourself. Don’t get angry if your friends or family make fun of you and don’t let your anger get out of control. Learn to use humour as your shield and laugh with your loved ones instead of against them.
Online Help
Coming back to the counselling part, many people may feel ashamed to seek out help for their anger management issues and that is why online counselling and help is available today. Even if you don’t want to go visit a practitioner, you can still join one online and talk about your issues and find a solution that brightens up your life.
Quit Bad Habits
One last recommendation is to quit bad habits that only reinforce your negative anger outbursts. Avoid using recreational drugs and drinking too much alcohol, which can make you less able to handle frustration. Instead, choose to eat healthy, exercise and communicate with people you care and love.
Many people face anger management issues on a daily basis but few seek out help and before they do, it’s sometimes too late. Don’t be one that lives in constant frustration, seek our help today!