Appetite Suppressant Tips: What Dietitians Are Not Telling You
Whether it’s to distract you from a craving or to satisfy a real feeling of hunger by making sure it doesn’t come back anytime soon, this post is about the techniques of natural appetite suppressant.
Basic rules
By following a few simple basic rules, you will experience an appetite suppressant effect.
Eat three meals of equal importance every day, 5 hours apart. The idea is to avoid cravings and the need to eat between meals. Start your meals with a source of protein: nuts or almond purée for breakfast, meat, fish or cheese for lunch and dinner. Chew your food well when you eat.
Appetite suppressant

A placebo appetite suppressant is the solution against an artificial craving for food, more commonly known as greediness!
The glass of water, the most popular appetite suppressant
Still popular, a glass of water is the best known natural appetite suppressant, the least caloric and the quickest. By filling the stomach, water makes you feel full.
The trick is to drink regularly throughout the day, outside of meals (so as not to dilute digestive juices): this reduces hunger over a long period of time. You can also drink a large glass of hot water half an hour before eating.
Tip: you can add a little lemon to the water; it’s calorie-free and invigorating.
Original appetite suppressant tip: brushing your teeth
It doesn’t seem like much, but brushing your teeth after a meal sends a signal to the brain that the meal is over.
Besides, you always think twice before eating anything and lose the feeling of freshness.
Appetite suppressant to promote a feeling of satiety
But water or brushing your teeth can’t satisfy a nutritional need, so if the feeling of hunger persists after 10 minutes, a snack is required.
Fruits and vegetables: the VIPs of the appetite-suppressing snack

Fibre-rich fruits and vegetables pump up water and swell the stomach:
– Apples are a great appetite suppressant, for example. It contains few calories and swells in the stomach creating a feeling of fullness.
– To vary the pleasures, grapefruit has the same qualities as raw vegetables.
– Also, a small bag of fresh vegetables (for example. carrots) in the bag will satisfy all your small appetites.
The best part: to make sure you’re hungry and not prone to indulgence, just ask yourself if you could eat broccoli, for example. If the answer is no, you’re set!
Eggs and dairy products: low-calorie appetite suppressants
If you have something to cook quickly at hand, egg white is a good appetite suppressant. For an average of 14 kcal, it is rich in protein.
Protein has the advantage of triggering the satiety signal.
The same applies to milk and yoghurt. Enough to vary the snacks!
Tip: For a snack, make snow white and mix it with light yoghurt. The yellow one is much fatter.
Natural appetite suppressants
Even natural appetite suppressants cannot solve all appetite problems. On the other hand, they play a great supporting role.
The agar-agar: the appetite suppressant from Japan
Of Japanese origin, rich in fibre, agar-agar is a vegetable product made from washed, dried, boiled and cooled seaweed. Sold in powder form, all you need to do is dilute 2 grams in water, milk or tea and boil it.
The agar-agar turns into a jelly and swells in the stomach, giving a feeling of fullness.
Gymnema: an ayurvedic plant against the craving for sugar
Sugar is the main cause of appetite disturbances. It is therefore essential to be able to limit its consumption. However, it is often difficult to resist cravings for sugar. This is where gymnema comes in. Indeed, gymnema (Gymnema sylvestris) is an ayurvedic plant which has the particularity of reducing the craving for sweetness.
For maximum effectiveness, it is recommended to chew a small handful of gymnema leaves one to three times a day (700 to 1,200 mg per day), or as soon as a craving for sugar is felt.
Good to know: gymnema powder capsules can be found in organic stores.
The konjac: fill up with fibre
Konjac (Amorphophallus konjac) is a plant native to Japan that contains almost no calories (less than 10 kcal per 100 g) and very little carbohydrates (only 2.5%). On the other hand, it is very rich in fibre (65%) and especially in glucomannan, a substance capable of absorbing up to 100 times its weight in water.
Results, not only does konjac very quickly induces a feeling of satiety but it also considerably promotes intestinal transit.
Good to know: before taking konjac, eat a little so that the pylorus closes and the fibres swell in the stomach.
Nopal: an appetite suppressant cactus
The nopal (Opuntia ficus indica) is a cactus native to Mexico that is better known as the prickly pear. Also very rich in fiber, it contains mucilage that anticipates the feeling of satiety and limits the absorption of fat and glucose. In addition, nopal is rich in amino acids, vitamins and minerals.
You can take it in powder form, but in this case, be sure to drink more water than usual.
Good to know: nopal can be used externally to treat wounds and internally to treat gastrointestinal disorders (it has anti-ulcer, anti-inflammatory and antispasmodic properties), limit blood levels of LDL-cholesterol and regulate blood sugar levels.
The yacon: an excellent appetite suppressant
The yacon (Smallanthus sonchifolius) is a plant native to the Andes. Also known as the potato pear, this cousin of the potato is rich in FOS (fructo-oligosaccharides). These sugars, which are not assimilated by the body, are on the other hand excellent prebiotics that favour the good bacteria of the intestinal flora, which are essential for appetite management. Yacon also contains inulin, a prebiotic and immunostimulant fibre that plays an appetite suppressant role.
Yacon can be eaten like an apple, cooked or even raw at a rate of 5 to 10 g per day. For an optimal appetite-suppressant effect, it is advisable to take it with some nuts (almonds or peanuts). For added convenience, you can also take it in syrup form.
Please note: yacon in syrup is effective in reducing LDL cholesterol and blood sugar levels and for weight loss (up to 15 kg) when taken at 0.14 g of fat per kg of weight each day.
So, that’s it! Now you know all the little secrets to suppress appetite! Remember to leave your comments below.