Super foods for Weight loss and Well-being

Many foods are both beneficial and harmful to the body, and some people go on some diets that are sure to suit their appetite and body. I am one of those who can adapt to any food as long as it is beneficial to my body. So here is my list of superfoods that are good for weight loss and your health in general. Implement these foods into your diet, eliminate junk food and fast food, and see a tremendous change in your body. 

Most of these foods will help cleanse the colon and promote regularity in your body. It would be best if you went to the bathroom at least twice a day. If you don’t, your body is most likely constipated, and old fecal matter will impact your body. People who cleanse their colon with superfoods and colon cleanses find that they lose their swollen belly and pounds of fat.       

Superfoods for Weight Loss #1: Oatmeal Buy steel-cut oats and whole oats instead of instant oats. They contain more fiber. Oats are great during breakfast time because they’re full of omega-3 fatty acids, folate, and potassium. This superfood rich in fiber can also reduce LDL (harmful) cholesterol levels and help keep your arteries clean. Sweeten it with fruit, or take it with a little rosemary and sea salt.   

Weight Loss Superfood #2 – Avocado Introducing avocado into your diet will increase your diet’s amount of heart-healthy fats. Full of monounsaturated fat, avocado can help reduce LDL (bad fat) while increasing HDL (good fat) in your body. Avocado is also an amazing dressing. Dress a kale salad in avocado, and cover it with tomatoes, nuts, sprouts, sea salt, and some lemon juice.

Superfood for weight loss #3 – Spinach. Popeye’s superfood will help your body lose weight by cleansing the body of harmful toxins in the colon and will give your body a boost thanks to its reserves of lutein, folate, potassium, and of course, fiber. The increase of any vegetable will surely help cleanse the colon and give your body a boost.

Superfood for weight loss #4 – Flaxseed. Full of fiber, omega-3, and omega-6 fatty acids, try covering a bowl of oatmeal or whole-grain cereal with some ground flaxseed for a healthy breakfast. Other ways to eat it are to mix it into smoothies and toss it into salads. 

Superfood for weight loss #5 – Berries. Blueberries, raspberries, strawberries, and blackberries are full of fiber and antioxidants. A recent 2009 study shows that rats that consumed a diet rich in blueberries lost abdominal fat and experienced other health benefits such as reduced cholesterol and improved glucose control. 

Superfood for Weight Loss #6: Soy Soy is a delicious and rich source of lean protein, so many vegans and vegetarians use it as a staple in their diets. Soy milk is an excellent complement to a bowl of oatmeal or whole-grain cereal and will keep you full for a long time. Buy pure soy milk whenever possible and sweeten it yourself at home with honey or agave nectar.

Superfood for weight loss #7 – Water. Yes, even if you don’t consider water a food, water is essential for life and to help you lose weight. When your body is dehydrated, your liver works to retain water in your body and does not have the opportunity to concentrate on helping your body burn fat. 

Keep your body hydrated continuously throughout the day. Water will also help your body feel full and eliminate toxins from the body through sweat and urine. If you are hungry late at night, try drinking a glass of water; you may feel hungry because you are dehydrated.


So the next time you come across a food, do examine its benefits for you before rejecting it!

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